07:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Jay Valgora
Principal & Founder, Studio V
Christian Vitulli
Senior Associate, Robert A.M. Stern Architects
Joseph Sutkowi
Chief Waterfront Design Officer, Waterfront Alliance
Anthony Guerra
Sr. Director, AEC Quality Assurance & Technical Content, Green Building Initiative
Andrew Sundal
Architect and Structural Engineer, HGA
Emre Toprak
Senior Structural Engineer, Arup
Nathan Canney
Director of Structural Engineering, Taylor Devices, Inc.
Justin Marshall
President, DuraFuse Frames
Sandy Hess
Sales Manager, ICC Community Development Solutions
Karin Moore
Senior Vice President, Legal & Regulatory, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Joan O’Neil
Chief Knowledge Officer, International Code Council
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

The landscape for codes and standards is rapidly shifting as technology and policy evolve to address increasing complexity.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly transform the development and use of codes and standards while policies around copyright protections for standards developed through the private sector standards development processes threaten future standards development.

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