Plenary Panel: Strategies for Resilient Lifeline Infrastructure – A Public and Private Partnership

Lifeline infrastructure systems are integral to our communities, providing important services including water delivery and wastewater management, electricity and communications, and transportation. These systems often are taken for granted until they break.

Our nation is experiencing an urgent need to better understand and improve aging and unreliable lifeline systems. Particularly as natural disasters grow more frequent and destructive, lifeline services are critical to protect our communities, ensure the safety, health and welfare of our cities, and provide essential services for effective disaster recovery.

Our panel will discuss strategies for resilient lifeline infrastructure design, the need for systematic review and enhancement of aging systems, policy opportunities for reliability enhancement, and public and private partnerships for future innovations in design and construction.

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
20 May 2025


Madhu Beriwal
Founder and Chairwoman, IEM International, Inc.
Joone Kim-Lopez
General Manager & CEO, Moulton Niguel Water District