Anchoring Resilience with Sustainable Waterfront Design
Over 50% of the U.S. population lives within 50 miles of the coast. But as weā€™ve seen with recent storms, floodwaters can impact those well away from the ocean. If we donā€™t adapt existing infrastructure and carefully design new waterfront sites, millions of people will be subject to destruction and loss caused by extreme climatic events and sea level rise. Uninhabitable buildings will displace many, putting additional strain on an existing housing crisis.
Both the public and private sectors are pledging goals to net-zero emissions in response to global climate targets. The materials required for renovations of damaged or destroyed infrastructure during major climatic events increases direct and indirect carbon emissions, setting us back collectively.
Buildings designed to withstand a variety of elements are more efficient, reduce embodied and operational carbon emissions, require less maintenance, and protect occupants. Implementing site design strategies can protect the surrounding community, preventing loss of life and property.
But designing and constructing infrastructure along coastline and riverfront requires unique planning. Our panelists will share innovative and proven strategies for design of waterfront sites and buildings and demonstrate how these strategies, including site planning, floodproofing, and material selection, can prevent economic devastation, reduce carbon emissions, and protect delicate ecosystems.
Architects play an important role in influencing resilient development. This session will evaluate design strategies through case study projects nationwide for architects to consider for all projects moving forward.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize that many major U.S. cities are located along the coast and are vulnerable to extreme climatic events and sea level rise.
- Understand the importance and considerations for a resilient waterfront building site as it pertains to economic development and community safety.
- Describe design strategies to maximize site and building sustainability and resilience to reduce vulnerability.
- Recall how WEDG and Green Globes certifications can guide and evaluate sustainability and resiliency of a building or portfolio located along the waterfront.