Alison leads EPA’s Low Embodied Carbon Construction Materials/Products Program in the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. She has focused her 20+ year career on leveraging private sector innovation and billions in federal spending to support cleaner and greener supply chains for all. She co-founded two influential networks within EPA—the Green Building Workgroup and the Sustainable Products Network—which bring together policy and technical staff to advance comprehensive, market-based approaches to furthering EPA’s mission. Since 2001, Alison has served in the Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Program, representing EPA in the development of private sector sustainability standards within the US Green Building Council LEED MR TAG, Sustainable Sites Initiative, ASTM, NSF, and UL, among others. Alison is now focused on implementing the Inflation Reduction Act's low embodied carbon materials/products provisions (Sections 60112 & 60116) which will drive significant emissions reductions over the next decade while also laying the groundwork for long-term decarbonization of manufacturing sectors