Terri McAllister

Deputy Division Chief, Materials and Structural Systems, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Dr. Terri McAllister is the Deputy Division Chief for Materials and Structural Systems at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the NIST Technical Liaison for the NIST-funded Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning, led by Colorado State University.

Dr. McAllister conducts research on community resilience, focusing on the integrated performance of physical infrastructure and social and economic systems and their recovery after disruptive events. She has expertise in structural reliability, risk assessment, failure analysis, and the performance of structures in fire. She co-led structural failure analyses of the WTC towers and WTC 7 for NIST and evaluated Hurricane Sandy flood effects on infrastructure as part of a FEMA MAT. She received the 2021 ASCE Walter P Moore, Jr Award and 2018 ASCE Ernest E Howard Award for her research on structural codes, standards, and resilience. Dr. McAllister is an ASCE Distinguished Member and Structural Engineering Institute Fellow.