Dr. McFarquhar has 30+ years of experience as a structural engineer and building enclosure specialist. He is Partner and VP Engineering of Stone Inspections Group, LLC and Owner of McFarquhar Group Inc, a consulting and engineering firm in Waxahachie, TX. He pursued his engineering degrees at Texas Tech University (TXU) in Lubbock, TX and is a distinguished engineer for the College of Engineering at TTU.
At Texas Tech University, he has taught courses in the Civil Engineering Department. In his practice, he has extensive experience in façade engineering consulting and design, forensic investigation, building repair/restoration of building structure and exterior enclosures and related litigation support. Dr. McFarquhar is a published author, engineer-of-record for cladding on hundreds of commercial projects within the U.S., and conducts frequent speaking or presentation engagements. He has performed engineering and consulting on several projects in the Caribbean, North, Central and South America, Far and Middle East as well as Europe.
He is active in technical committees in leadership roles, including BETEC â Chair, ASCE, AEI, ASTM, ISO, NGA, AABA, AAMA. He is a convener of an ISO committee, TC59 SC8 - WG12 representing the U.S.