John Ingargiola EI, CFM, CBO is a lead physical scientist in the Building Sciences Branch of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration in Washington, DC. Ingargiolaā€™s work involves a broad range of mitigation activities that include pre- and post-disaster building sciences, building science education, working with model building codes and standards-producing organizations, guiding agency policy and strategy on building codes, and developing technical guidance for hazard mitigation and coordination.
He has managed FEMAā€™s award-winning post-disaster Mitigation Assessment Team building performance studies for Hurricanes Charley, Ivan, Katrina and Sandy. Since publication, many of the building code, building material, and best practice recommendations contained in these reports have been implemented, thereby improving building performance and increasing resilience to future events. Ingargiola holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from the Cooper Union for Advancement of Science and Art.