Michael J. Carrancho, P.E., has over 30 years of U.S. and international design and construction experience. As a Deputy Director in the Office of Planning Design and Construction with the Smithsonian Institution, Carrancho’s focus is engineering and design. He’s responsible for the design management of all Smithsonian capital and large maintenance projects and publishing SI Facility Design Standards. He also serves as the senior building code official and final signatory on all construction documents for the institution.
From 2003-2010, Carrancho served as the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Europe Africa and Southwest Asia, Business Manager and Chief Engineer in Naples, Italy. He supported more than 1,300 personnel and was responsible for providing design and construction services, planning and real estate acquisition, environmental services, and public works for an area spanning from the Azores to Bahrain.
Carrancho has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Merrimack College, North Andover, MA, and holds a Professional Civil Engineer license from the state of California since 1995. He also is a LEED Green Associate.